Also, be sure to only share the link and PMI with people who need to join that particular meeting. If you have several different types of meetings to conduct, such as one for friends and another for family, or one for your clients and another for the executive team, you'll want to set up a separate virtual meeting room with its own PMI for each one. Personal Meeting IDs are also handy because you can customize audio, video, recording, and security settings as needed for each of your PMIs, and not have to start from scratch before each meeting. 0:00 / 1:57 How to update the zoom app in the iPad the easy way - if you have a free or paid zoom account.
This virtual meeting room will always be accessible using its link and PMI, so people you share this login information with can join meetings in this Personal Meeting room at any time. Using a PMI sets up a virtual meeting room that's always available at that address (PMI). If you need to host either type of Zoom meeting, set up a Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
Zoom offers two types of meetings, Scheduled or Instant. How to Create a Personal Meeting ID (PMI) to Set Up Scheduled or Instant Zoom Meetings